ARI Registered Alpacas near Orlando



Bottle-fed Cria Formula


In a large (gallon-sized) container, mix . . .

1/4 cup powdered milk, dissolved with small amount of water until consistency of thick slurry.

10 cups of homogenized cows' milk with Vitamin D.

3 cups Half-and-Half.

2/3 cup of plain yogurt with active bacteria/culture.  Do not use either "low fat" or "no fat" variety.

Gently mix continuously as you add ingredients.

Store in refrigerator.

 Be sure to shake well each time before pouring into bottle.

Warm the milk (in cria's bottle) in water bath, not in the microwave or directly on the stove.

Use a candy thermometer to confirm that milk's temperature does not exceed 105º F; preferrably 101º to 102º F.

Always prepare a little more than you expect cria to drink. 

TOTAL DAILY AMOUNT of formula should be approximately 10% of your CRIA'S DAILY WEIGHT.


If your cria is not getting enough milk from its dam and you are supplementing with a bottle, feeding every 4 to 6 hours is fine. 

However, IF you are feeding an orphaned cria or one whose dam has no milk, you will need to feed every 2 hours, round the clock.  Once the cria is about 10 days old, you will be able to stretch out the middle of the night feedings.  About about 6 weeks of age you should be able to stretch the daytime feedings slowly to 3 and then 4 hours between.


If you have any questions and/or I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. 



Cinda Young





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